albert heijn mosque

An empty supermarket in Amsterdam West was transformed into a mosque by decorating it from top to toe with a mosaic of the famous green and blue logo of the supermarket chain. The logo was slightly adjusted to read ‘Allah’ in Arabic, and to the puzzlement of Dutch passers-by, the ‘supermarket’ organically became a functioning mosque.


“… the voice of Islam that has been silenced after 9/11 is now given the opportunity to bombard a symbol of Western capitalism in a responsible way...”

De Volkskrant (2001)

“…How do you combine the religious creed of Allah and the brand recognition of Albert Heijn, the biggest supermarket chain in the Netherlands, sometimes familiarly referred to as Appie H. It is the ultimate dialogue between two civilizations. Between religion and commerce. Between art and life…”

Appiah be praised, Archis (2002)

“...What first seems a contradiction turns out to be the perfect synthesis...The beautifully designed book contains many interesting reactions of different people on the project…”

Tubelight (2002)