Welcome to the Unsafe House of Jaafar El Hazred


an amsterdam based art cult
the first progressive feminist harem

Welcome to the mutating archive of the Unsafe House—a gallery of ruinous creations, evil art, and twisted ideas. Here, you’ll uncover cancelled projects, interactive conspiracies, and eerie films that merge imagined realities and disclosed fictions.

At the heart of the maelstrom writhes Jaafar El-Hazred, the grand architect of deviance, a demiurge of the obscene, sculpting monstrosities where beauty, power, and perversion congeal into unholy amalgams. His works are not born but exhumed, dredged from the abyss of human delirium, twisted into forms both exquisite and unspeakable.

Amidst the chaos slink the kittens creatures neither wholly victims nor wholly fiends, their allure a siren’s call, their presence a wound that never heals. They are anomalies, both the traumatized and the traumatizing, the keepers of hidden circuits, the guardians of nodes in a clandestine network where desire mutates into something beyond recognition. Their whispered secrets ripple through the void, carrying with them the pulse of a new and terrible normal, one that does not ask permission but imposes itself like a fever dream from which there is no waking.


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